Royal Pavement Solutions


March 2021

Long Island Paving

How To Keep Your Parking Lot Safe – Safety Regulations

  In the United States, thousands of accidents happen in parking lots every year. If the accident is between two cars, it is likely that property damage will be the primary or only result. However, if the accident involves a pedestrian or a cyclist and an automobile, the results can be catastrophic. Additionally, a dangerous […]

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Long Island Paving

ADA Pitch and Slope

  The Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law in 1990 and amended in 2008. This comprehensive piece of legislation focuses on protecting the rights of those with disabilities against discriminatory housing or employment practices. However, most Americans are more familiar with the ADA’s provisions that cover accessible parking spaces, routes, and doors. ADA

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asphalt parking lots

What Are the Elements That Can Damage Asphalt Parking Lots?

What Are the Elements That Can Damage Asphalt Parking Lots? Asphalt parking lots are a crucial part of our urban landscape. They provide a smooth and durable surface for vehicles while enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of commercial and residential properties. However, despite their durability, asphalt parking lots are not impervious to damage. In this

What Are the Elements That Can Damage Asphalt Parking Lots? Read More »

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